What is the Lowest FPR Rating for Air Filters?

The Filter Performance Rating (FPR) is a system used to measure the effectiveness of air filters. It creates a weighted average for each filter, which is then rated on a scale from 1 to 12, where 1 is the lowest performance and 12 the highest performing air filter. The best air filters for home use are those with the best FPR ratings. MERV stands for “Minimum Efficiency Rating Value” and is another system used to measure the effectiveness of air filters.

It is important to note that there are different standards to meet, so you'll see some air filters with the MERV rating, while others are rated MPR or FPR. The following table explains the relationship between the numerical scales of the MERV classification system and the FPR system:

MERV RatingFPR Rating
When it comes to choosing an air filter, it is essential to consider both the MERV rating and the FPR rating. This will ensure that you select an air filter with the appropriate rating given your home conditions. The lowest FPR rating available is 1.

This rating indicates that the filter has a low level of performance and should not be used in homes with high levels of dust, pollen, pet dander, or other airborne particles. The higher FPR ratings indicate higher levels of performance and are better suited for homes with higher levels of airborne particles. It is important to note that while a higher FPR rating may indicate better performance, it does not necessarily mean that it will be more effective in your home. Different homes have different needs, so it is important to consider your specific home environment when selecting an air filter.

When selecting an air filter, it is important to consider both the MERV rating and the FPR rating. Make sure you choose an air filter with the appropriate rating given your home conditions. This will ensure that you get the best performance from your air filter and keep your home environment clean and healthy.

Darryl Coste
Darryl Coste

Friendly web scholar. Devoted student. Wannabe pizza fanatic. Subtly charming bacon fan. General entrepreneur. Infuriatingly humble troublemaker.

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